Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Project 365-Day 10

So this is the handmade gift wrap that I made for my BFF's birthday present pictures!

I got them each hand sanitizer (my calling card) and a pretty carrier for it so they can attach it to whatever bag they are carrying, a lip balm that matches their lifestyle =], and a picture. One said Peace because I'm convinced one of my friends is a reincarnate of someone from the 70's and Dream for the other one because she is trying to finish school and I want her to fulfill all her dreams and keep her eyes on her goal.

I have one that says LOVE because I LOVE my husband of course.

I was always a HUGE believer in love...then I started dating!

NO, seriously my boyfriends were all lame! Except 2 of them but I was moving far away from them so I really couldn't continue dating them. But the rest of them were lame and the last guy I dated wasn't! So I married him!

But only because he asked...
And drove 650+ miles in one night to as me and then turn around in the next 24 and drive it again.

It was very romantic!

I'm a total idiot for romance.


I am.

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