Thursday, April 1, 2010

Female Understanding

So I'm convinced that men have quit writing the "girly" product commercials these days.

I can't get over the new Kotex ads. I don't use Kotex nor will I start but I do find grand humor in them. Especially this one.

Man, oh man! Did I about have an aneurysm when I first saw it on television. I saw another commercial (yet another funny one) while waiting for ABDC (America's Best Dance Crew) to come on MTV which is about the only show I watch on MTV anymore. Except 16 & Pregnant. I don't know why I watch that one. I just like it I guess. It's interesting for me to see how these girls handle those situations I can't wait to see the girl that has twins...hmmm. I hope that this teen pregnancy thing is over and done with by the time my children are grown. I can't imagine my kids sitting an watching 11 and Pregnant. Let's be serious.

I wish growing up wasn't so cool...actually it isn't that cool. But you never find that out until you are already here and you can't go back. It has it's moments. But those moments are not balancing the checkbook, cleaning out the refrigerator, or paying the bills. I know you are all shocked. I am too even as I typed that sentence.

Let me just add my puppy is freakishly adorable.

I mean this is him sleeping under my computer desk. I have like 1000 pictures of him I'm sure.

This is him on the way to the beach the other day. He looks so cute with his ears pushed back, he doesn't believe me. Will you tell him he look cute with his ears pushed back?

So you are only seeing three of the 20 pictures I took on the way to the beach. But this is him protesting me telling him to look at me

He got carsick twice on the way there so on the way back he slept...on the hump...for some reason he loves the hump instead of the nice, safe bucket seats...

Alright I lied 4 of 20. But seriously who wouldn't share this cute face?

Haha this cracked me up when we first got him. He sleeps with his tongue hanging out. But it's kinda sad he's probably thinking about his Mommy =[

Our dog is joke and so the sunlight

With the paw over the nose...precious

What Mom? I keepin your pillow warm

"Look lady I don't know you all that well but you are weird and you point that shiny box at me a lot..but you pet me and give me noms, I like you"

He was so little and he loves being covered up. We don't know why. Or why he sleeps on his back for that matter or rubs up against us like a cat...we call him CatDog

Within the first couple days of bringing him home. Trying to figure out the the black box...

For those of you who aren't as interested in my dog as I am. I'm sorry, he's adorable.

For those wondering along with Bogart what the black box is, it's a camera.

It's time for the last walk of the evening, peanut butter, kong, and the Nanny.

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