Actually the only reason they aren't done today is mostly because I didn't have the stuff to finish them. But once I hit the grocery store I most definitely will have them complete.
So after I mixed them and let them cool a little - a little - I put the mixture in a container and set it in the fridge overnight then I took it out and did this with it...

Press it into large Easter eggs (molded it in to make sure it got that shape)

Filled the eggs until they could barely close. I had to force them closed...

But they closed

Then I opened them...look how pretty!

Fruity Pebble Eggs!

Adorable! Super Cute!
The next step is to dip half of them in white chocolate and spring them upon the innocent people who come into our house. I've done a good job at doing that so far. Already have people requesting I make food for them.
Haha which reminds me of a story. (That would be the "Adorable! Super Cute!" part and not the "dip half of them into white chocolate" part although the main character of my story looks like he was dipped in white chocolate). Not really a story but we'll see how long it goes.
So people always says that having a puppy is like having a baby. You have to do everything for it. Feed it, wash it, take it to the doctor, potty train it...EVERYTHING. I've been doing everything for little 3 month old Bogart. Teaching him where to potty, taking him to the vet when his tummy is upset, keeping him updated on his shots and just plain ole loving him!
Did I mention I've never had a dog before? I've been around them, sure, but I've never owned one. So I was unaware that dogs could burp or anything like that. Bogart knows he is my baby too. He willingly lets me hold him like one. Usually because I'll put him down after that. But when I put him to bed just like a baby he needs his bottle or his pacifier. The Kong that we have for him is used as a pacifier but because he is so small I call it his bottle the way he holds it.

It's just so cute. I couldn't catch him using it with two paws but he does do it. His little Kong is filled with peanut butter and he flips out when I get it out of the freezer. But he licks it and then goes to sleep.
That was long enough. So I wrote that we took the P90X fit test and that I passed. Not with flying colors but I passed. I have been feeling that triumph for 2 days now. My shoulders are killing me. But in the process of my shoulders killing me I also realized something physically hurts me to sit in front of the computer all day. Especially since I've been exercising. My shoulders and back just don't allow it. Which is why I don't understand how some people do it. Also why it has taken me like 4 hours to put this blog together and post it.
But it's not posted yet so it may take longer. However if you are reading this right now, it's probably are a computer hacker monitoring my key strokes...and if you are. Stop!
You can wait and read my blog just like the other 6 people who read it do. You, impatient hacker, you.
I have to post this or I will keep coming back and adding stuff to this post. It will be like an hour long. That's too much. If I decide to post I'll do it from my iPhone, in bed, and relaxing. I learned how to update my blog from my cellphone today.
Am I digitally connected or what?
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