Saturday, September 3, 2011

Project 365-Day 24

I would agree with anyone that says I am an old soul.

My wedding was 1940's themed.
My living room is Old Hollywood themed with pictures of Humphrey Bogart and Elvis Presley and Marilyn Monroe and James Dean on the wall.

I am a mad bargain hunter and if I can find antiques super cheap I am ALL over it. So when I ran across a silver tea set for $21 I was ecstatic!

It's so pretty!

Now if I can just find a vintage vanity tabletop set.

Project 365-Day 23

I love my husband.

I mean that really goes without being said.

But still.

I do.

It's true.

I'm always looking for ways to tell him and show him that I support him in whatever he wants to do and that I love him and I'm proud of him and I have done it in two words and a bunch of rhinestones.

I don't think I have gone a day without wearing it since I picked it up.

it is so hard being away from him and not being able to see his face and hold his hand and hear his voice.

I'm still his wife and I still love him and support him and I'm still proud and I will power through even it is only to be held in his arms again.

My heart is with him wherever he goes and like I told him we are one soul coexisting in two bodies. It doesn't break but it hurts to be stretched this far for so long.

Lucky for the two of us absence makes the heart grow fonder and he is going to be gone for so long I'm not going to know what to do with myself when he gets back!

I love you.

Project 365-Day 22

My poor Bogart.

He has always been allowed to sleep in our bed unless we didn't have enough room or he took up too much room or it was TOO hot to sleep with a personal space heater.

He has always stolen our pillows and blankets and side of the bed.

However the same is not to be said for Bogart and my parents.

My mom hates him laying on her bed when is isn't made. He is allowed on the comforter but not the sheets or the pillows.

He definitely isn't allowed to sleep with them.

He gets his revenge on my mother though.
Like on days like these.

Not only is he on the sheets he is BETWEEN the pillows laying his head on her neck pillow.

I have to deal with this vengeful little twerp. But I can't imagine my life without him and I sure don't know how I would make it through without him.

Other than my husband he seems to understand me really well. He is part human I swear but then going back through these posts he is also part cat.

Which means I have a scientific experiment on my hands...

What a lovely freak he is!

Project 365-Day 21

Since I have moved back to my hometown I have pretty much been trying to keep myself busy with the Hubs being gone. So I picked up a blanket to make for my sister's Harry Potter themed room.

Although it really isn't Harry Potter it's more like a Hufflepuff dorm room.

I finally finished it 3 months later!

I think it turned out great of course the more I look at it the more I can see stuff that I could have done better and EASIER.

But beginnings are for everyone and so is learning and this was definitely a learning experience so I can confidently say that there will be more to come!

In fact I'm starting a couple of scarves soon and if they turn out the way I want them to they will most definitely be worthy of a post!

Project 365-Day 20

So for the last year I have been growing my hair out and I'm not really ready to cut it off yet but I want to do something new and different. 
So I've been looking at feather extensions and stuff like that. I have dozens of pictures of possibilities but I really like these.

I just can't decide what to do yet and until I do I will have the same boring hair....

Project 365-Day 19

So I wonder if when P. Diddy wakes up in the morning he has a dog that steals his spot before he can even get out of bed.

Hypothetically let's just say that P. Diddy wakes up and rolls over to check his phone that is laying on his bedside table and then he decides to go ahead and take it off the charger and play Tiny Tower. Hypothetically mind you.

Well then say he used his arm on the floor to keep himself from rolling off the bed but as he tried to roll back over he found that his dog had taken his spot and he couldn't roll over so he was stuck unless he crawled out of bed.

I mean if he did that hypothetically then hypothetically this particular morning...

I woke up feeling like P. Diddy.


Of course

Project 365-Day 18

So everyone who knows me KNOWS that I love Beauty and the Beast!

More importantly I love Belle. She is my favorite Disney Princess!

So I reverted to my child years and took a "Which Disney Princess Are You?"

Of course I got Belle!

But the more I read stuff like this and watch the movie I think she may have had a part in shaping who I am today.

There must be more than this provincial life!

Project 365-Day 17

I can state that I probably definitely have heart/blood pressure problems in my future. Most assuredly thanks to my father whom I love dearly. But I can honestly say that for a 21 yr old woman this is the worst my blood pressure has EVER been!

See that's bad.

Super bad. I need to make a doctors appt.


Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Project 365-Day 16

Granted I took a picture of this picture I only came across it. I don't own it.

I wish I did. The hubby loves this series of paintings by Edmund Blair Leighton

He had a poster of one portrait and a statue of another one but none of them were of this one.

I would like to own all of these for the sheer fact that he loves them and I always call him my Knight.

I say that he saved me, even if it was merely from myself.

This particular painting is called "Godspeed".

It features a beautiful woman wishing her knight in armor a farewell and safe return as he prepares to ride into battle on his white steed.

I love this painting personally for many reasons but the main part is that I myself have wished my knight farewell and a safe return.

Project 365-Day 15

The story behind this next picture is that several weeks ago my grandmother's dog bit me and needless to say I don't like the dog.

At all. Period.

I think Bogart picked up on this and added it to the fact that he hasn't run across any dogs that he can't play with.

We went to my grandmother's house after I picked Bogart up from the groomer's and the dog that bit me was locked up in his kennel.

Bogart kept trying to sniff him and play as much as he could with the other dog in the cage. But the other dog would viciously bark at him. So Bogart didn't want anything to do with him and finally he went and sat with my mom.

Bogart doesn't make anything easy for anyone especially sitting.

He stayed there for like 20 minutes.

He's so cute.

I would have posted the other picture of him sitting behind her with his tongue hanging out. He looked brain dead.

I love him but sometimes he makes the dumbest faces.

I guess everyone feels that way about someone in their life.

Project 365-Day 14

I'm not going to say I have baby fever.

But I want one.

Not feverishly though which is why I can say that =]

I can wait for like two more years. Not that I have choice.

My husband is gone.

But anytime I get a chance to babysit a baby I will take it.

So we got to watch a friend's baby for a couple days. She's adorable.

But Bogart sure didn't know what to make of her. They became great friends at eating time although I don't know what his fascination with trying to eat smashed peas was.

She didn't even like them I can't imagine Bogart would have.

But here he is trying to eat the drop of them off her tray and she just wants to touch his face it was funny to watch him dodge her and still try to get the food.

I have a video which is way cuter than this picture.

She is just chattering away at him and trying to touch him.

As cute as it may be.

I can definitely wait.

Project 365-Day 13

I can't get away from Bogart on this Project...he's always around and always doing something ridiculously picture worthy.

He's one of the funniest animals I have ever come across and I can honestly say I think I would have gone crazy if it weren't for him.

He's very attached to everyone in my family, well maybe attached isn't the correct word he is very protective though.

He was babysitting the youngest girl in this particular picture.

No we don't actually let the dog babysit.

But he is "sitting" on the baby.

"Ah you make a good headrest. Don't move!"

Project 365-Day 12

Day 12 being posted on Day I have so far to go.

I'm never getting behind again!

So today's photo is of our cat.

I mean our dog. Who ACTS like a cat.

We have even nicknamed him CatDog lately but he doesn't look like this.

He has a really bad habit of sitting on the back of the couch and sleeping on his back and trying to sit in the windows.

My mom says either his mother or father was part cat.

But several days ago he kept running around the couch whining and jumping up on his hind legs and finally he just stopped and then I couldn't find him and then I did.

Like this.

Smushed between the wall and the couch just as content as can be.

I don't understand him sometimes, half the time, heck anytime!
What. A. Weirdo.

He would have stayed there if I would have let him.

But I'm a mean mommy.


That's the noise he makes when I stop him from doing something and then he pouts like a child.

I have my work cut out for me.

Project 365-Day 11

So we took a trip with my mother's homeschool group to the Adventure Science Center in Nashville, TN.

I've loved the science museum ever since I was little. I used to go every year on a field trip with my class.

In fact I have list of science centers I want to visit. There is one in Louisville and one in Orlando that I really want to go to. I'm waiting for my husband to get back though because he has never been to one and that totally blows my mind! They are so much fun and very hands on!

Anyways....Back to what I was talking about before.

I went to the museum and took lots of cool pictures including ones from the observation deck at the top of the Adventure Tower that overlooked the city but I have a favorite picture from that day that I took especially for my hubby because as soon as I knew what it was it reminded me of him.

Saccharomyces cerevisiae

It's beer and bread. Not that he eats beer and bread together but I guess he would if he ate a sandwich =]

But even though it's called beer and bread the term we all know for it is YEAST.

I can't wait for him to get home so we can go do all this fun stuff.

Although he's only been gone for 21 days today...
We only have 49 weeks left!
Which is a painstaking 345 days =[
Geez that sounds like a long time AND of course he had to leave the year that has an extra DAY added!

Flipping Leap Year!

Project 365-Day 10

So this is the handmade gift wrap that I made for my BFF's birthday present pictures!

I got them each hand sanitizer (my calling card) and a pretty carrier for it so they can attach it to whatever bag they are carrying, a lip balm that matches their lifestyle =], and a picture. One said Peace because I'm convinced one of my friends is a reincarnate of someone from the 70's and Dream for the other one because she is trying to finish school and I want her to fulfill all her dreams and keep her eyes on her goal.

I have one that says LOVE because I LOVE my husband of course.

I was always a HUGE believer in love...then I started dating!

NO, seriously my boyfriends were all lame! Except 2 of them but I was moving far away from them so I really couldn't continue dating them. But the rest of them were lame and the last guy I dated wasn't! So I married him!

But only because he asked...
And drove 650+ miles in one night to as me and then turn around in the next 24 and drive it again.

It was very romantic!

I'm a total idiot for romance.


I am.

So Super Behind!

I'm going to totally have to spend today catching up.

 Mostly on my Project 365...wicked behind!

So I know that all these posts are going to show up today but they aren't all from today. I'm a bad blogger.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Project 365-Day 9

Have you ever eaten something and wondered why you have made it this far in life not ever having eaten it.

This happened to me the other day. With this cookie.

It was sooo good.

As soon as I bit into it I went back to the blog I posted on the oreo s'more and thought. this should be a s'more too.

But I never got to find out because we ate them all before I could test it out...

Guess I'll just have to buy more.

Project 365-Day 8


I have gotten way behind in posting pictures...
Bad me.

I'm catching up though.

Some days I have to try to find a picture for that day, other days I take a picture and just know that I am going to use that picture.

Like this day. As soon as I went to wake my sister up I knew it was my picture.

She was sleeping posed like a model.

I love her.

Project 365-Day 7

I wish I could have really captured what I wanted to that evening.

If you had held a grapefruit up in the sky the sun looked to be that big and a blood orange-red.

It looked huge.
But it was so beautiful. This is the aftermath of that. Still pretty but not as pretty as that.

There isn't much to post about that day except this.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Project 365-Day 6

I had lunch with one of my best friends the other day. She wanted to go to Ryan's for some reason.

I remember Ryan's being amazing when I was younger. I loved the macaroni and cheese and the nachos and of course everything that you could possibly eat for dessert.

As I learned quickly...I should have left it as a memory.

I went and got my salad (which was oddly amazing) but then I went to get my actual entree.

I loaded up my plate with my old time favorites.

Macaroni and cheese
Mashed Potatoes

I would have gotten meat but it looked sketchy.

The macaroni and cheese tasted like eating sand.
The mashed potatoes were bland. Bland. BLAND!
Even with salt and pepper and butter.
I couldn't even bring myself to eat the nachos.
In the time it took me to walk back to the table. It looked like this.
Um....super gross.

That orange stuff is grease.

Let's just say I probably won't return to Ryan' ever

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Project 365-Day 5

My dog is species confused.

I swear he thinks he's a cat.

He sleeps on his back like cats do.
On the backs of couches.
Curls up behind your neck.
Rubs up against you.
Folds his paws up underneath him when he lays down.
And sleeps
17 hours a day.

And he sits in the window sills and on the arms of couches.

What a freak. 

I must the funniest thing is when he realizes that he isn't a cat and gets stuck and can't turn around because he isn't that agile. He will misstep and end stuck between the couch and the window.

I don't know what I would do without my CatDog though. He's my favorite =] 

He is almost 2 years old. We always joke that he was born to be our dog because he was born on December 23rd and we got married the 31st. 

He was truly love at first sight. When we saw this picture (sorry you are getting two today) we immediately fell in love with him.

How cute is he?

I miss baby Bogart sometimes. Then he sits in the window and I know that "baby" is still in there.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Project 365-Day 4

Today hit me hard.

Way hard. I love talking to my husband, don't get me wrong but I love the part of our relationship where we didn't have to talk to each other and we could just be with each other. I feel sorry for him. He missed all birthdays and holidays last year because of work and he is missing them all again. It's unfair to him. It's unfair to every man and woman that miss it because being in the military puts them overseas or on work schedules with ridiculous hours.

I could go on about stuff like this for hours and hours and even days.

It breaks my heart to have him away from me. It is the hardest thing I've ever had to do which really isn't surprising to me. I honestly thought I could make it the first coupe of months without being really upset. I'm used to him being away for several months at a time but this whole 8 hours time difference and no schedule yet thing is killing me. I never know when I get to talk to him or even if I do. I live by the phone or the computer. I hate living that way. I don't like not knowing what is going on with him. It makes me anxious.

On top of that in church today they showed a video of a soldier who had been gone for 6 months and they were interviewing his daughter and she was almost in tears saying that he had missed Valentine's Day and Easter and her brother's birthday and he was about to miss hers and she just felt like her dad had been gone forever. It was  a surprise homecoming video. He was home for his 2 week R&R and she had no idea he was coming home. I was crying so hard. those videos were always hard for me to watch but they got 10x harder when you're husband is in the military and 20x harder when he is deployed.

Setting all that to the side I love him. I will always love him. I am waiting for him. I will always wait for him. No matter how hard it may be. I may cry everyday. There may even be days I don't want to get out of bed. He is my heart and my soul and I will do my best to be whatever he needs me to be.

That leads us to the picture for today. Because the dog and I were having a similar conversation while laying in the hallway. Of course he didn't I called him a cootie queen.

He still doesn't understand. But he knows Daddy is gone...because he is misbehaving. If I have to pick up one more piece of shredded paper off the floor I might scream.


I will.

I will scream.

Project 365-Day 3

I totally should have pulled myself out of bed to post last night but I didn't want to...

So to bring about yesterday's picture. We spent my birthday in Nashville. It was nice to spend a little time alone before he left. It was also nice to be somewhere other than my small town which I so dearly despise. So we went out on my birthday to the Hard Rock cafe for lunch and a drink =] I would have loved replicate that one but there was no way that was happening there was way to much alcohol in it. But it tasted good =] It was called Pink Lady Punch or something like that. But a couple nights later we went to Logan's Roadhouse and I got this drink with strawberries floating in it. I have no idea what it was called but essentially it was Captain Morgan, Ginger Ale and strawberries! It was to die for. So simple too. So last night I had Cruzan rum, ginger Ale, and strawberries and a float of grenadine. Super yummy and I served it in a chilled mason jar.

Then I just poured in more ginger ale and drank it.
Other than that I didn't really do anything yesterday. except place an order on Bath and Body Works. That store is super addicting. Lots of stores are but I got an amazing discount I saved almost $20 plus free shipping. It was a frugal splurge =] 

I really hope today will be more interesting. I think I actually bore myself sometimes.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Project 365-Day 2

Today wasn't so bad it passed a little faster than yesterday but I had lots of errands to run and his phone call caught me off guard so it was a pleasant break in the day. I'll be glad when we are on some sort of schedule. The puppy is still having a hard time with him being gone. Always needing someones lap to sit in or following me around. Whining....a LOT!

I'm trying to use the iPad but he has stuck his big head in the way. He just wants to be loved! He's killing me.

Well I am beat and I'm going to tr to sleep tonight it hasn't been working out so well the past couple of nights.

So until tomorrow. Only tomorrow.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Project 365-Day 1

I am starting this with 3 people in mind. I want something to keep me busy and give me something to do everyday. I also wanted to start something for my husband and my aunt who can't be with our family this year and would love daily updates even if they can't get to them. So here it begins on Day 1. Although today isn't really Day 1 for either of them. My aunt has been gone for a while and my husband left on the 9th so yesterday was our first day without each other. Today hasn't gotten any better though.. But I'm not trying to focus on that I'm trying to focus on getting through this year. So with all of that being said. Here is Day 1.

My poor puppy. He lays in the bag my husbands clothes came out of any chance he gets. It's stupid that this tears at my heartstrings right now. I know he misses him though. He cries and looks for him and is very clingy right now. Which I don't mind having someone to cuddle with all day.

I'm off to busy myself. I think I might go on a walk or do some yoga. Let's get this year done.

Monday, August 1, 2011


So much has happened since I posted in February.

We moved because the hubby was getting stationed over seas. Which is not so grand in my eyes but they need him over there.

Ok so that was pretty much it.

I mean other than him going to training schools for May and June and being home the entire month of July, that really is all that happened. I've been keeping busy with that alone. We are took a little mini vacation before he headed over for a year.

I can honestly say that him being gone for a year is going to be hard of course. It was hard when we were separated for the 2Nd year of our entire relationship but we have only spent half the time we have been together, well, together. We started dating in the beginning of 2008 and he left in 2009 (all year) we got married the last day of 2009 which is funny because we started dating the first day of 2008. We were married all year of 2010 and got to live together until well now technically but he left in May and June so I say until April of 2011. Now he is leaving until August or September of 2012.

But setting all that aside the hardest part will be that he isn't allowed internet or phone calls or mail for 3 months while he is out to sea. He is out to sea for three months and then back for one month and then out for three months again for a whole year!

So for three months I can email and write letters all I want but I can't see his face or hear his voice or even get a letter back. I get to talk to myself, have a one-sided conversation.

I honestly thought that I would be able to stand strong for a couple months at least but this last 24 hours has been taxing to say the least. I don't know when I will be able to talk to him again. I mean aside from the fact that I dropped him off at 11:30am at the airport yesterday and he still won't land until 10 pm tonight and who knows when he will be able to get to a means of communication because when he gets there his day is just starting.

I wish there could be a happier note to today but I can't find one.

The happiest note I have is what I told him at 3 this morning.

It is hard to exist without you. I truly understand the meaning of two people becoming one. One soul coexisting in two bodies. It doesn't break but it hurts to be stretched this far for so long. But I don't have to tell you this because you already know. I love you. I don't say this because I think you forgot I say it so everyone else remembers.

This next year won't be easy. The entire year will be a prayer and Amen will be said when I see him step off that plane again. But i will try and be strong for him and for myself.

I'm thinking of starting that project 365 so he can see a picture everyday so he won't feel so disconnected. We will see how today goes. I'm just ready to talk to him... BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Monday, February 14, 2011

I Wait For No Man

I can sit here at 4:32am on Valentine's Day and say that 5 years ago I would have said that I would never be a military wife because I will not sit around and wait for a man that's always gone. I can sit here and say that because it's true.

I never in my 20 years thought that I would be the type of girl to not only wait for a man, but to have it on my daily list of things to-do to get by.

I have never waited for a man.
I didn't sit by the phone and await a call, I lived my life.
I didn't wait for them to get their act together, I moved on. 
I didn't wait for them to grow up, I did a little more maturing myself and said goodbye.

It never crossed my mind that this 6'7" brown hair, blue eyed boy (term used incredibly loosely, he is most definitely a man in my eyes) would steal my heart away and have me waiting for years. He kept me waiting too.

I waited for his texts in the morning.
I waited for his texts every minute.
I waited for his lunch breaks.
I waited to until the store died down so I could walk up to it and see him.
I waited for him to get off work every night so we could spend a couple of hours together.
I waited for him to shower and change clothes and pick me up.

But the waiting got longer after that.

I waited 6 months for him to ask me out.
I waited 9 months for him to say he loved me.
I waited for 2 months just to be able to see his face.
I waited weeks at a time just to hear his voice.
I waited for the mailman everyday in hopes of a letter written in his almost illegible scrawl.
I waited anxiously at the airport every time just to run and hug him.
I waited 10 months for him to ask me to marry him.
I waited 10+ hours while he drove up to see me for one day to turn around and drive back.
I waited a year until we could be together.

I sit at home almost everyday and wait for him to come home.
Just so I can tell him I love him before he goes to sleep.

We've been married for 1 year, 1 month and 14 days and I can't see myself waiting for anyone else.

He tests my patience, he tests my love, he tests my friendship, and he tests my strength.
I strive to pass everyday.

He is one of the best husbands a woman could ask for. I am extremely lucky to have him because I didn't even ask for him. I wasn't even looking him. He was standing on the side lines telling me how a woman should be treated.

How I should be treated.

So when that wasn't sufficient he jumped in and showed me and it's been all uphill from there.

I can't say downhill because that's bad or easy. It hasn't been easy.
I can't say smooth sailing because I am definitely one to rock the boat and we have hit some rough waters.

Uphill is befitting. We are moving toward a high goal and though it's been hard and we've had to push we are still moving in that same direction. The direction we started in.

So though I was never one to wait...
Things change.
People change.
I changed.
I realized that this man was worth the wait and no other was.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Of All to Come

So I arrived back at my own home today after a week of vacation. I have so much to document. My anniversary was Friday and we went to Universal for three days. But spent a week in Orlando, FL and even got to visit the Wizarding World of Harry Potter.

I'm going to recover tonight from all the walking and pushing and unpack and upload pictures and love on the puppy but I hope to post pictures soon.

you know it's a good vacation when you have to recuperate.

Don't ever vacation on the holidays. Unless you REALLY like people!